Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Long Journey

Good job Reece!
You've taken your first step among many in carving out your little niche in the Digital world.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Work is boring. Short blog, short point. Gahh.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

She Loves Me :]

Okay, so good news. Curran realized I was upset about the lead role part, and she decided she didn't want me to be uncomfortable about it. So she told me she would talk to her teacher about getting the other role, sparing me from having her kiss Jon. She really does love me. :]
Ragga. <3

The Play

Well, something uneventful happened today. Somewhat disturbing to me, but I guess these things come up once or twice. My girlfriend, Curran, signed up for the school play today at her school. So you see, that means she has a role. Apparently, there are only two roles left, and one is the lead role. The lead role, however, would lead her to having to kiss a guy named Jon. I'm somewhat upset and uncomfortable. But, hey, what's a relationship without obsticles?

Mobile Blogging

So, I have found a cool feature of Blogger. It's called Mobile Blogging. Yes, that's right folks, I'm on my phone for this post. Study Hall seems the perfect time to be testing out new features, so yeah. :]

Oh, and I found this because I went to the website and tried to post, but my phone wouldn't let me >.< Ragga.