Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Lord of the Rings Final

The Lord of the Rings trilogy (Fellowship of the Ring, Two Towers, and Return of the King) is an intense epic adventure, directed by Peter Jackson. Watching these movies in Media Communications, and watching the commentary of Fellowship of the Ring has sharpened my concepts of movie editing, and filming as well. Learning about the characteristics of an epic, you can easily see them within The Lord of the Rings. The qualities are Hero, Guides, Courage, Vast Landscape, Supernatural Forces, and in media res. All of these epic qualities are shown in the three movies of The Lord of the Rings. It clearly has a hero, Frodo, and many other sub-heroes (Aragorn, Gandalf, Sam). Frodo has a certain task, to carry the one ring to the Mountain of Doom to destroy it. He is tested in many ways to see if he is worthy to carry the ring, going through many perilous things. This hero has guides that lead him. In an epic, a hero usually always has a guide or guides to lead them on their quest. Frodo is guided by the Fellowship, mainly by Gandalf the Grey. When the Fellowship splits, he takes on a new guide, Gollum. However, it's not so easy to see that Samwise Gamjee is Frodo's main guide the whole way. This hero is also especially courageous, or has special qualities in which no one else does. In Frodo's case, it is his purity of the heart. He is selfless, and caring, and not greedy and evil. Another quality of an epic is the vast landscape in which they will cover on their journey. Frodo travels all the way from the peaceful, serene Shire, to the evil, barren, blackened landscape of Mordor. Meanwhile, the other members of the Fellowship travel to Rohan, then Helms Deep, and more places. Epics also have supernatural forces that act upon the hero/heroes in either good or bad ways. The good supernatural forces that help Frodo are Gandalf, the elves, the Ents, and at the end, the Army of the Dead helps Aragorn fight the war. Frodo, however, has many evil supernatural forces acting against him. The Uruk-hai, Orcs, Saruman, Sauron, and the ringwraiths fight against the good. A big characteristic of an epic is the courage and bravery that each hero or guide possesses. In my opinion, Aragorn has the most bravery.He fights a war for his friends, knowing he has other duties to be done. He is fearless going up against ten thousand with only five hundred. Nonetheless, Frodo has the most courage. He carries the ring, the ring in which no one else can possess without risk of harm. He travels almost alone to the one place that no one wants to go, Mordor. Even though he is fearful, he strides on through the danger and overcomes the burden of the ring to achieve his goal. That, in my eyes, is courage. The last quality of an epic is in media res. This means that all of the action, and the story, take place in the middle of the bigger story. In The Lord of the Rings, it starts 2500 years after the making of the rings. In the beginning, a war was fought over the one ring, and the ring was lost for thousands of years until a hobbit found it. The ring corrupted this hobbit, until a new hobbit found it, knowing this person as Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo brought the ring back to the Shire, in which the first movie starts.
The Lord of the Rings is a great epic trilogy that should be taught in many media classes everywhere. One can really learn about the characteristics of an epic, as well as filming techniques, editing techniques, and themes or morals. This trilogy really shows the theme of courage, and good vs. evil. As the good battles evil, and courage prevails, it shows the world that all you need is a pur

Epic Swords