Thursday, February 11, 2010

Power to the Points

Recently, we watched many PowerPoint presentations over epic comparisons of different movies to the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Many of the presentations were interesting, and all of them were well-done. Out of the many that we watched, I had three favorites. The first one was the presentation Chris gave over Avatar. He made many parallels between the two movies, especially great parallels between Jake and Frodo. Jake showed many signs of bravery and compassion throughout Avatar, and Frodo did the same in the Lord of the Rings. This was a great parallel between the two major characters. The main thing I liked about Chris's presentation was the great pictures and the good parallels between creatures and setting, like with how he compared the horses and creatures they rode to the Nazgul and the hyenas. He chose a great movie to compare to the Lord of the Rings, and he did a good job making the parallels stand out.

The second presentation that I really liked was Brant's. He compared the Star Wars Episodes I-III to the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and did a great job with details. He talked about how the main characters in each movie were being pulled on by an evil force, and had to resist it with their purity. He made great parallels between sub-heroes, and explained just how vast the setting really was. He also discussed the use of supernatural forces within both movies, talking about the Force and lightsabers, while also mentioning the powers in the Lord of the Rings. Brant made great parallels between the good and evil of both movies, talking about how both Anakin and Frodo are pulled to the evil (dark) side at the end. He also used a few good images, but he could have had more character and setting images to show detail about setting or characters.

The last presentation I really liked was Shane's over The Princess Bride. This movie is such a great and comical movie, but it still holds a ton of qualities of an epic. The main character Westley is similar to Frodo in his bravery, determination, and compassion. Westley had to infiltrate a castle to save the one he loved, while Frodo had to infiltrate Mordor to destroy the evil that could destroy everything he loved. Shane had a great presentation, with really good pictures, great parallels, and good designs. He used a ton of good pictures of characters, and a few scene pictures. He made parallels between the plots and characters, like Gimly and Fezzik both being strong yet unintelligent. He made good parallels with the vast settings, and the guides. Such as Gandalf compared to Miracle Max. He also explained really well about the in medias res of both movies. Such as when Westley tells the story of how he became who he was. Overall, Shane had a good presentation, explaining really well about both movies.


acollins said...

Hi Reece,
Where are images? YOu have great "flow" strong fluency. You do not have enough back up for your points, though. ex. Shane's presentation needs specifics. Chris's does too - ex. details on creatures/settings that you thought were strong. add a word count and images... more credit for revision.

acollins said...

Now you have it. Well done. Consider a conclusion paragraph next time.