Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Final Blog

Media Communications was such a good class this year. Looking back through all of my past blogs, I can see that I have learned a ton from this class. We learned about Media Literacy, photo manipulation, epic characteristics, food companies, and even war technology. By far the most interesting was the Digital Nation part, because I loved learning about new technology. My least favorite part was probably the pulitzer prize photos. I was glad that we learned about Media Literacy and how to interpret the media. Media is part of everyday life, and it is very important that we learn how to read and interpret what we see and here as far as media-wise. I don't really feel that anything should be added to the lesson plan for this class, as I feel that we had a bunch to do over the year. Overall, this was one of my favorite classes so far, and I hope more and more students continue to sign up for it. I am officially done with this class, and two days away from a Senior at Oskaloosa High! This is my final goodbye, and farewell. Peace!

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