Friday, March 4, 2011

DigiNati Intro

I just read the introduction to Digital Nation, even though I participated in this project last year. I feel like the introduction provided a good overview of what they were researching in the program. If you just jump into the program and start watching videos, eventually you get a good grasp on what they are trying to learn about and research, but it's much easier to understand by reading the introduction. They are looking at the effects of technology on the way humans now connect and interact as well as learn and even wage war. It's so fascinating that just 30 years ago on this planet not a single person in the world had a cell phone or a desktop computer. Compare that to now, how I don't know a single person without a cell phone, and most people in our country have anywhere from 1-4 computers at home or with them.

I enjoyed watching the user submitted videos, especially the guy who talked about his kids ingesting information from wherever they could get it. He talked about how he would bring home a new phone or a new piece of technology and his kids weren't even surprised by it, they just absorbed it and took in all the information they could. I believe that this world and this youngest generation will be just that, 'information ingesters'. In a world where connection and interaction and learning is dominated by technology, they are going to NEED to ingest all the information they can. We have left the time where we could sit down and focus on a single thing in this world. We have now entered the world of the multi-tasker.

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